Yea it's all a big mess until I put some thought, time and energy into it and it becomes somewhat of a masterpiece.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Mess to Masterpiece
Yea it's all a big mess until I put some thought, time and energy into it and it becomes somewhat of a masterpiece.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Master Cleanse - Lasted 6 Days!!!
Remember how I told you that you cannot expel too much energy while on the cleanse. The day of the market, which was Saturday, I just overdid it plus I didn't drink enough of the lemonade. I got in the habit of sipping the lemonade when I felt hungry and I'm guessing the hustle and bustle and excitement of the event just didn't allow time for a pang to sneak in. The crowd wasn't huge but I was set-up between two savvy young ladies, the owners of Very Prissy and X-Quay (Refashion). For over 4 hours, we chatted, laughed, and almost came to tears as we conversed about family, our city, marriage, parents and even dogs. I simply didn't have a moment to think about hunger, because our conversations were so lively and there's not much that compares to having an opportunity to talk to individuals who share the same passion as you.
Left there about close to 8, stopped by Red Box and called it a night. Sunday morning I seriously was not in any mood physically or mentally to drink anymore lemonade. I was just too weak and out of it, so I had to eat ya'll. I told my daughter that if she had been home with me that morning, I probably would have drank it and let her take care of me. But I was home alone and couldn't afford to pass out and not have someone call 911 for me.
I have not started the cleanse again, but I may at the beginning of the year. I've gained maybe 3 pounds back, but I lost enough fat during the cleanse, that the weight gain didn't phase me much. Sunday, I kept it simple and bland. Monday I just showed out and paid for it with a rough night's sleep. Today it's only been fruit, veggies and all-natural or organic foods (kept to a minimum). I don't plan on eating any more turkey; fish, that's going to take some major will-power. I'm praying for a peaceful rest tonight, cause I really, really want to workout in the morning.
So, there you go. Yes, the cleanse was tough, but the benefits were encouraging. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the other benefits. Here's a couple, cause it's time to go to bed.
* Clearer Voice - My singing voice is so much more crisp!
* Family Influence - My daughter has decided to not eat meat...we'll see how long this lasts. In the past five days, she's only eaten one piece of chicken and I can tell she's slimmed down a bit.
Ok, that's enough. Good night.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Master Cleanse - Day 3 / Today's Benefit - Acceptance
Anyway, I've been looking at a lot of youtube videos and reading reviews by people who are trying and have tried the detox and I've read that around days 3-5, the effect of the toxins being released begins to rear it's ugly head, mentally and physically. Well I don't believe that has happened yet, but believe me, I will tell you when it does. I'm hating that I'm not able or at least not choosing to workout. I just really don't want to expel more energy than necessary. To do so would mean I would have to find creative ways to take in more calories and I refuse to veer from the plan.
Today's benefit - I feel more in tune to my thoughts. I find myself feeling an emotion, be it happy or sad, and accepting that feeling and allowing myself to be present in that feeling, rather than quickly dismissing or suppressing it and dealing with it later while I lay in the bed replaying the actions of the day. Like, I accept right now that I'm overworked and even though I really need to make some jewelry, burn CD's for the youth choir and draft a letter to their parents, I'm going to bed.
Good night, good people.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Master Cleanse - Day 2 / Today's Benefit - No Caffeine!!!
Now, I am pretty strong willed. I've been off beef and pork for maybe ten years now and I haven't touched chicken in a little over a year. I work out regularly and even though I am overweight and occassionaly overeat, I consider myself to still be healthy. I fluctuate between a size 14-16, which is a long way from the 20+ size I was over 10 years ago. I am currently 210 which is 14 pounds down from when I first created this blog in June. Needless to say, I've lost a lot of weight in my adult life via perserverance and dedication, so a short detox for me is nothing.
I located this original Master Cleanse book written by Stanley Burroughs in the 1970's, a very easy read-30 pages. I could tell after conducting the initial search that many people have adapted, remixed and altered it to fit their lifestyle. I've seen this detox deemed the Lemonade Diet, The Cayenne Pepper Diet, even the infamous Beyonce Diet. I will tell you, there is only one Master Cleanse detox. It is not a diet and is not intended for those who are just looking to lose weight, even though that is one of the many benefits!
So I am on day 2 of no solid foods, only a salt flush in the morning, the lemonade mixture during the day and a detox tea before bed. Yes, because of my low caloric intake, I am slightly tired, but today is the first day in I would say a year that I didn't need any caffeine to jumpstart my day. NO CAFFEINE! That, within itself, is amazing to me. I woke up this morning feeling so renewed. I didn't drag my tired ol self out of the bed, which is what normally happens.
So I'm creating a Youtube channel and I'll hopefully blog, maybe once or twice a week so you can join me on what I know will be a life-changing journey. Thanks for the love and support and be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel (once I figure out this video camera) and follow my blog!
OAN, I'm selling some of handcrafted goodies at a market in the South Main Arts District this Saturday during the Christmas parade. Be sure to check out the video (once I figure out this video camera) to see my new creations and stop by and see me this Saturday at 517 South Main (formerly the Muse Boutique).
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Indie Crowd Market...

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Indie Crowd Market!!!

Hello Beautiful People!!!
I have so missed blogging, like for real. It’s just that I’ve have been crazy busy lately, but God gives me strength to carry on so therefore I must, right? Right! So my birthday is coming up, October 31st…yep Halloween. I’m not a really big birthday celebrator because #1 I had soooo many birthday parties growing up (like in my junior high, high school days) and #2 I really don’t know, its just not a big deal to me. Now, my friends ask me every year what I have planned...well friends, what I really want you to do for me is come out and support The Indie Crowd Market presented by Urban Chocolate.
I literally woke up one morning and God just dropped the idea in my spirit, so tough to the point where the plans were already made, I just had to write them down and carry them out. What the market presents is an opportunity for my customers to support and patronize other Memphis bred small businesses that specialize in homemade, handmade and one-of-a-kind products. Just spreading the love...that is all. Be sure to check out for details.
Love Ya!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Trunk Show Prep
I've got a trunk show next Friday and I've decided to showcase a lot more of my handcrafted pieces for this hostess. Her friends are all into clutches too and I've got tons of those of which 98% are vintage. I absolutely love vintage, pre-loved, and retro anything; 1) because you can get them at great deals, 2) things just aren't made with the same quality and craftsmanship as they were back in the day and 3) I have to, in some way, stand apart from the crowd and vintage pieces are always eye-catching.
Ann Taylor
Red Vintage Belt (Size SM/MED)
Large ( 13 x 10) Gold Clutch...Another of my favs. This will be in my online store.
I figured out how to make a charm out of a button!
I wish my computer wasn't so slow, or I would post more pics. As you can see, at my trunk shows, I offer pieces that fit the style of any customer. Book yours today - 901.463.0697
Love Ya!
Monday, June 28, 2010
4 pounds!!!
- So I bought myself a scale last night, can't believe I didn't own one before now but I guess it wasn't that important. Anyway, I've lost 4 pounds!!! I believe its because I vary my workouts between walking, tae-bo, aerobics, elliptical training and swimming. It's a little cooler outside today, so I'll prob go walking this evening and hit tae-bo in the morning. Now I may be a big-girl but I can go hard on a workout. OK, enough about that. I'll post before-after pics in a few weeks.
- Still working on the online store. Getting pics of all my vintage/retro clutches and accessories. My ultimate goal with my business is to work for myself and no one else! Why? Creative control I have a full time now and I know I'll be here for a minute. Until then, it's building, growing and nurturing Urban Chocolate with whatever time I have...piece by piece and step by step. Let me also mention, that I do not lead a high-price, fancy, upscale lifestyle and I've learned to get by with the basics. Honestly, I do not have to make much money to support my lifestyle and I've designed it that way.
- Prepping for the Love Nu Art Magazine release. Met with the photographer/president/publisher today to discuss some details. Not yet decided on what I will wear to the release party, which by the way, if you do not have your tickets yet, get them soon. Check us out at for more info.
- Youth choir was great yesterday, so shout out to all my babies. I love you all so much! You all got sooooo many compliments, but God gets the ultimate glory.
Alright, gotta get to my Maddie,
Love Ya!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Bracelets, Youth and Music!
I did not post yesterday so I'm gonna try to post twice today. Had a friend to call me the other day to design a denim bracelet for her. I am proud to say the pieces turned out great and I've decided that it will be one of the handcrafted pieces I'll carry in my online store. Thanks Deonna for believing that I could do this.
Saturday!!!! I've got a meeting with Live.Seed, an organization founded by my friend Crystal Johnson that provides a platform for youth to express themselves through spoken word, art, music and drama. We're facilitating some workshops with Peace Jam at the end of next month plus we've got a youth open mic event planned July 9th. For the Peace Jam event, I'm thinking of a workshop entitled Chorus of Hope - a brief study on the choruses of songs that changed the world and how these songs were instrumental in progressing a movement.
After the Live Seed meeting, I get yet another opportunity to share the gift of music at youth choir rehearsal. We haven't had a youth choir at my church in a good minute, so I knew when I was asked to assemble and work with them, it would be a challenge. They weren't great in numbers at the Tuesday night rehearsal, but the few that came, had a heart to serve and sing. I'm excited to present them before the congregation tomorrow.
I'm working on my online store today so I've got to take some inventory pics, but before that I've got to clean this mess of a desk and tidy up my house. Talk to ya'll later.
Love Ya!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Budget on a Budget
Easy because:
- I don't go out a lot, really hardly any.
- I don't eat out, because my parents, especially my dad, are the best cooks I know.
- I hardly buy anything new. I have nothing on credit in my house. All my furniture was either given to me by my parents ( as they bought new furniture for their house), from the thrift store, or Craiglist.
- I shop at the thrift store and Plato's closet for the majority of my daughter's clothes.
- I shop only sale and clearance for my clothes, plus I'm a stylist so I know how to creatively achieve several looks with one piece. Little secret of mine (Half of Half-look it up)
- My parents, especially my mom, are my biggest supporters. I don't know how I could do anything I do, especially raise my daughter, without their help.
- I stay away from WalMart best I can. That store is a trap, yea the prices are great, but unless you're superfocused when grocery shopping you will walk out with several items that are not on your list. For this reason I have come to love Big Lots and Aldi, the prices are better and the customer service is great.
I do have some budget-killers though:
- I bought a car about two years ago, which I love, but I hate paying a car note. Next time, Ill go a different route.
- Purses and Shoes-enough said, right? Though I must say I've been doing so much better. I don't switch purses as much as and I've been wearing flats to work now instead of heels.
Lately, every bit of the little disposable income I do have, has gone to growing my business. So I'm very careful about where my money goes. But that's cool cause I'm learning some critical life lessons. Now its off to make out the budget for the week.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Whew Lord

So I told ya'll I would be posting pics of my natural do. I had my daughter take a few pics of me at the library where I bought two single LP's. LL Cool J - You'll
Gotta go now, Maddie wants to watch a Bee Movie and I want to watch the back of these eyelids; doesn't look like I'm getting to an jewelry tonight.
Good night, good people.
Love Ya!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Daily Blogger?
As I type this I am throwing down on a bowl of this one pan casserole I quickly threw together cause #1 I was hungry and #2 I would ordinarily eat a bowl of cereal but I have no cereal. Great, right? I wish I had some cereal instead though cause I'm attempting to lose weight (which is the story of my life). Those who knew me 12 or so years ago, know that I've lost a lot of weight, maybe about 70 pounds, in my adult life. Now I'm shooting to lose 30 more.
I've learned that I've got to set a date for losing this weight cause that presents me with a challenge and I welcome challenges. I have a goal to lose 15 pounds by July 20th, which is a month from now ( I just set that goal like one minute ago) and because I told you and set it in stone on the world wide web, its got to get done. I weighed myself yesterday at the Y and brace yourselves, I am a shapely 224 pounds size 14/16. But don't be afraid, I wear it well, I just know I can wear it better at a size 10 or 12. Once I get there, I'm sure I'll want to come down more, but as I tell my daughter, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Alright, enough for tonight, I've got a grueling date with Billy Blanks at 630 in the a.m., plus I need to make or begin at least one piece of jewelry before I go to bed. Oh yeah, Ill post pics of my natural short red hair tomorrow.
Good night and God Bless, don't forget to say your prayers.
Love Ya!
Friday, June 18, 2010
I think I'm going to call it a night and begin the day with an early morning walk either downtown or at Shelby Farms. I must say since I've cut off all my hair, yes I cut it all (maybe not all), my workouts have been more frequent and intense. I've even added swimming to the routine. I'll have to post some pics soon. Its amazing the reactions I get when people who are used to my long flowing tracks see me. But ya'll know I will do just about anything to my hair cause I am one of the few who understands that whether long, short, red, black, nappy, straight, curly or even bald, my hair does not define me. For now, I'll keep it short and natural and we'll see where it goes from here.
That's all folks, got a busy weekend including an interview with a local bag designer and another photoshoot for Love Nu Art Magazine of which I am the fashion editor. By the way, our launch party is July 24th at 8 pm at Safari World Tapas Bar in the South Main Arts District. Tickets are $15.00 or 2/$25.00 and that includes a complimentary glass of wine. You'll get a chance to preview the mag and meet our ubertalented staff! The site for the mag will be up soon, so I'll keep you posted.
Love Ya,
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Meeting with him inspired me to come home and get to work on my handcrafted jewelry. I've got som

I've got tons to do, like cleaning my house and finishing up some pieces but I'll have to put that to the

So back to my bag and Patrick Henry. Check out his site at You can catch him on facebook too. I know you'll love what you see!

Love Ya!
Kim A. B.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
2:47 in the am, Why am I up Jesus?
The great thing is I got alot accomplished in this hour, probably more than if I just stayed up till 10 and tried to do it. Bad to wake up in a few hours to get Maddie ready for school plus get myself ready for my fulltime at U of M, and its 2:53 AM and I am still not sleepy.
I thought I'd just stop by cause its been so long since I posted and I need to do something productive to help me get back to sleep. My mom alwas told me, Kim if you wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, don't just lay there, get up and do something! Well mom, I hope I made you proud. But I think I would have been to sleep by now if I had just stayed in the bed and watched WKNO, which I love (by the way, I have no cable, just a converter cable is a whole nother post, but I must say I don't believe I'm missing anything). And although I would have went to sleep faster, I would not have gotten so much accomplished.
So Good night...holla at ya blessed...sincerely...truly yours...and now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Thank You Jesus,
Thursday, February 4, 2010
At times I find myself tripping over things that motivate me to press with a little more purpose. Most of the time it's others and their contentment in the mundane. Yea- boring, unexcited, followers of the ordinary type personalities drive me towards creativity.
Anyway, I thought I'd just stop by to upload some pics of my inventory. Planning for a relaunch-trunk show at the end of the month. Can't wait!!!
Urban Chocolate
Urban Style-Sweet Deals
Coming Soon...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Creative Control
That being said, I've made the decision to still relaunch with my site and a trunk show in the next month or so, but to push the online store component back a few months. Why? Because I have control. I mean I am doing this without a loan from a bank so I'm not pushed to make money out the gate (although that would be nice, right)?
Anyway, its off to make and create some items for the trunk show. Sneak Peak of some of my handcrafted pieces below and as you may or may not taken by me and the property of me, you MUST ask permission before using in any way, shape, form or fashion.

Monday, January 4, 2010
Relaunch, Do-Over, Revamp
So much going on with me now, I mean challenges all at once. In no particular order: weight loss, transitions, single parenting, income changes (really a decrease, but more about that later), growing a business (with no loan from a bank). Yep, a business without a loan. Is this even possible?
Won't get into too many details now, for fear that I'll type myself into a funk Lever 2000 couldn't even save me from, but I will tell you I'm planning a relaunch for my accessories business or have been planning one for almost 4 months now. Way too long, if you ask me. I've procrastinated a bit, but we all do it right? Well I'm passionate about what I do but I''m coming to know that passion is merely an emotion until it's put into action. Then it has a fighting chance to become a force to be reckoned with.
I'm passionate about creating, passionate about making, building, styling and recreating! But it's high time I gather all this energy and focus it into something tangible.
Anyway, in the beginning phases of my relaunch idea, I had an awesome photoshoot with Gregory Lynn Photography. (Check him out on FB. The man is just totally sick with the camera). I mean God smiles on me every moment of my life, but this particular day He was loving some me. It was a winter shoot in the middle of summer in Downtown Memphis. I was prepping for at least 90 something degrees. Feared for my models...thought they would hate me before the shoot was over. Well, the high that day turned out to be in the mid 80's and the wind was blowing as if God continously swooped his hand over the city with one of those old funeral chapel fans with the curvy wooden stick; you know, the one with Martin Luther King Jr. on the front.
Greg took over 300 pics and when we finally had a chance to review them, I just couldn't believe I had a hand in this high-fashion moment in downtown Memphis. My models were pure muses, Greg worked that Camera like a magic wand, turning still shots into motion pictures and my girl Lauren Scales worked her magic from her makeup box. I couldn't wait to build my website from these pics.
Well that sizzle had fizzled to a crackle, until about 7 hours ago. Low and behold...Updated photos via FB from Gregory Lynn Photography...
Earrings, necklace and bracelets - Urban Chocolate

Earrings, bracelets and vintage Puma jacket - Urban Chocolate

Bag - Urban Chocolate

Earrings, bracelets, rings - Urban Chocolate

What an inspiring start to a new beginning!
Urban Chocolate Online Boutique ~ Urban Style, Sweet Deals... coming soon.