In a word, or maybe two or three, the market was refreshingly eye-opening. It was amazing to me how the idea morphed into fruition, then the actual event. The unforced vibe from shopper to vendor, vendor to vendor and shopper to shopper was purely stimulating.
My Bible scholars may be able to relate to the question "can anything good come from Nazareth?" A question asked by a man named Nathanael in the book of John, after being approached about following Jesus. Jesus spent the majority of His life in Nazareth and for whatever reason, be it a lack of culture, high-crime, or low morale in the city of Nazareth, Nathanael negated Jesus and all because of his connection to a supposedly notorious city.
I challenge all my readers, customers, followers and fellow Memphians to revisit your connection to your hometown. No, I'm not naive and neither will I ever turn a blind eye to the isms of my city, but I will forever sing the praises of Memphis. Its often said that Memphis is slow, or so behind or there's nothing to do here, yet I've also noticed that many of the people who speak such non-sense are possibly unhappy that they cannot find within themselves the courage to do, be different or maybe they are people who choose to complain rather than work as a vehicle for change as God created us all to be.
I've shared with a few of my friends that I would never move to a different city to grow my business, maybe for different reasons, but not to grow. Why? In other cities I would blend in; in Memphis, I stand-out!
But, I digress, as I see my post is heading in ten different directions. I want to thank everyone, designers, creators, entrepreneurs, dreamers , lovers of handmade and homemade goodies, passer-byers, partakers, and haters alike. Yes, something good can come from Memphis.

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