Now, back to the challenge and I do mean a challenge. I assumed that I would at least be able to design 3 pieces during the week and 4 on the weekend, but that has proven to be negatory. Yet, I have not given up! Now let's dig in.
Piece #2 was a major move for me because it's my first pair of clip-on earrings, inspired by probably one of my favorite spreads ever in Vogue. The spread, beginning on page 554 and aptly titled The Life Rhapsodic, is full of color and ethnic inspired prints, plus Savion Glover,

Let me say, the May 2011 issue of Vogue is FULL of ethnic inspired prints, I mean from beginning to end. Allow me to also add, that I played around with the idea of such prints like two weeks ago with my hand-wrapped bracelets from the Ultimate Urban Collection and I just picked up this mag today.
So here's a few pics of the spread and the earrings, made from a Kente inspired cloth...I almost wanted to add something to the center to balance it, but I love the simplicity of, plus I didn't want to take away from the cohesiveness of the colors.
I love clip-ons and post earrings, especially now that my hair is short; they provide a certain crispness, that larger pieces many times fail to do. I'll rock them this weekend to test and make sure they're ready to brave the elements and I promise to give you better pictures, you know when my make-up is right and I'm actually awake. You can click the pics to make them larger...

Now to piece #3, inspired by a FOUR page fold-out, Fendi spread-actually the inside front cover.
Four pages, yes!!!! These are great, cause they offer a panoramic view and allow the reader to just take it all in. Now, I chose this spread simply because the colors were just too magnificent to not mimic. Deep sea blues, corals, chocolates and emerald greens with splashes of magenta and gold. I mean, the possibilities of what I can do with all these colors, is like crazy endless.

These bad boys are from my new Urban Candy Collection. Sweet and unashamedly colorful! They're kind of like charms for your ears. Absolutely love them. Be sure to check out the blue chain and the copper trinkets.
These actually proved to be a lot more difficult to design than I expected. Making sure they were both even in length, spacing the charms just right, the feng shui of the was such a headache to piece together. But oh my! The end result was most definitely worth the pain. I'm glad this Fendi ad was placed in the inside front cover, cause had it been in the middle or towards the end I would have skipped right over it :(
Now that's all for me, this morning. I wish I could tell you more about these pieces, cause I really do adore them. Both will be in my Etsy shop, which I have not set a launch date, but soon.
3 down and 27 pieces in 22 days to go. Let's get it!
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