Talk about everyday women with fashion flair. Yep, they're all right there. One day, in my glazed over, daydream tone, I'll grace Essence Street Style with my eccentricity. Right...with my luck, the day I see the photography crew headed my way, I'll probably be wearing my I just went to the corner store to buy some milk diggs...note to self, always be found with style.
Now back to the piece. No the inspiration didn't come from the magazine, but it came from the online version and today is March 9th, so technically, it counts. The inspiration, dramatic stones & simple chains. This was a no-brainer. I recently added some super thick, rich brown, glass stones to my collection, really didn't have a project in mind for them, but one look at the inspiration and it instantly came to me!
Yes, I celebrate colors, and wildly insane graphic prints, but I also appreciate the simplicity of monocromatic tones. I was asked by a styling client recently, while painstakingly deciding upon her accessories, about my approach to accessorizing. A really tough question for me and maybe some can understand, but the answer can really be sought in the shapes, angles and lines and not always in the colors. So yea, the structure and design of the pieces below is what really caught my eye.

I toyed around with adding color or various shaped stones to this one, but thought it best kept simple and clean. It's approximately 18 inches long and it's pretty weighty. Now, let me add that while I adore this piece, I wouldn't mind adding one more stone. Something wider and eye-catching. I may stop by Bead Couture close to the Main Library and scope out something real special. But I'll leave it be for now, but when I find that perfect stone, please believe...I will be reconstructing.

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