My apologies for not updating on the 30 pieces in 30 days computer is like super slow and it takes forever to upload pics from my computer, plus I've beem using my phone for a a camera.
Anyway, enough excuses cause they're so lame, right? Well I completed 30 pieces by the end of April but I had to tweak the rules a little
#1...a friend asked me to bring some old formal dresses to life for a non-profit that donates prom dresses to young ladies who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford a new one. Now the entire process from design conception to actual execution was timely. So I had those dresses count as two pieces. I completed a total of 7 dresses which counts for 14 pieces.
#2 - at times I would get so excited about a new bauble, bead or technique that I would create pieces totally from my own imagination as opposed to something inspired by a mag ad, or pic.
#3 - I didn't get pics of everything or I just cant seem to get the pic here on the blog.
At any rate, I'm posting some pieces that were all a part of the 30 pieces in 30 days challenge...I'm only giving snippets of the dresses until my friend is able to donate them to the deserving teens.

I stepped out on some crazy faith and God has thusly bestowed me with some crazy blessings. Only a few on facebook know this, but if you follow me enough there, then I'm sure you guessed it by now. Oh yea, be sure to stop by my site for a few new updates!
Good night, beautiful people.
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