Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mess to Masterpiece

What I absolutely love about making jewelry and accessories is that the possibilities are endless. Allow me to show you just a portion of the mess I call my workspace...

Yea it's all a big mess until I put some thought, time and energy into it and it becomes somewhat of a masterpiece.

I will one day turn this passion into a full-time endeavor, which is my long-term goal. Some days, I get tired of working the 9-5 and my mind so vividly transports me to my storefront boutique. But, not now. Just not my time. Plus, my full time is pretty cool. I work with and around people who want to change the world, social workers. Not to mention, the Division of Social Work and the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy is growing and I know God has me positioned right where he wants me.
Alright, I need some Bible time tonight.
Good night, good people.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Master Cleanse - Lasted 6 Days!!!

Good evening, good people. I know you all have been waiting for me to update my progress on the cleanse. Well, I lasted all of 6 days, 4 days shy of my goal, yet surprisingly fulfilled and pleased with the results. I'm almost certain I could have gone the other 4 days. So what stopped me? I'm so glad you asked.

Remember how I told you that you cannot expel too much energy while on the cleanse. The day of the market, which was Saturday, I just overdid it plus I didn't drink enough of the lemonade. I got in the habit of sipping the lemonade when I felt hungry and I'm guessing the hustle and bustle and excitement of the event just didn't allow time for a pang to sneak in. The crowd wasn't huge but I was set-up between two savvy young ladies, the owners of Very Prissy and X-Quay (Refashion). For over 4 hours, we chatted, laughed, and almost came to tears as we conversed about family, our city, marriage, parents and even dogs. I simply didn't have a moment to think about hunger, because our conversations were so lively and there's not much that compares to having an opportunity to talk to individuals who share the same passion as you.

Left there about close to 8, stopped by Red Box and called it a night. Sunday morning I seriously was not in any mood physically or mentally to drink anymore lemonade. I was just too weak and out of it, so I had to eat ya'll. I told my daughter that if she had been home with me that morning, I probably would have drank it and let her take care of me. But I was home alone and couldn't afford to pass out and not have someone call 911 for me.

I have not started the cleanse again, but I may at the beginning of the year. I've gained maybe 3 pounds back, but I lost enough fat during the cleanse, that the weight gain didn't phase me much. Sunday, I kept it simple and bland. Monday I just showed out and paid for it with a rough night's sleep. Today it's only been fruit, veggies and all-natural or organic foods (kept to a minimum). I don't plan on eating any more turkey; fish, that's going to take some major will-power. I'm praying for a peaceful rest tonight, cause I really, really want to workout in the morning.

So, there you go. Yes, the cleanse was tough, but the benefits were encouraging. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the other benefits. Here's a couple, cause it's time to go to bed.

* Clearer Voice - My singing voice is so much more crisp!
* Family Influence - My daughter has decided to not eat meat...we'll see how long this lasts. In the past five days, she's only eaten one piece of chicken and I can tell she's slimmed down a bit.

Ok, that's enough. Good night.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Master Cleanse - Day 3 / Today's Benefit - Acceptance

Hey ya'll. This post will be short cause I am tired. At the end of day 3 and I am so ready to get in the B-E-D. Today was a little tough, more so because I went to bed late last night trying to figure out this video camera. Still haven't got it yet, but soon I hope. I must say the toughest part of all is picking up my daughter from my parents house after work...ya'll know my daddy can throw down in the kitchen. I mean I went over there this morning to drop off their carpet shampooer and the man was frying salmon croquettes. C'mon daddy, seriously? So getting out of that house unscathed is yet another miracle-kind of like the no caffeine deal.

Anyway, I've been looking at a lot of youtube videos and reading reviews by people who are trying and have tried the detox and I've read that around days 3-5, the effect of the toxins being released begins to rear it's ugly head, mentally and physically. Well I don't believe that has happened yet, but believe me, I will tell you when it does. I'm hating that I'm not able or at least not choosing to workout. I just really don't want to expel more energy than necessary. To do so would mean I would have to find creative ways to take in more calories and I refuse to veer from the plan.

Today's benefit - I feel more in tune to my thoughts. I find myself feeling an emotion, be it happy or sad, and accepting that feeling and allowing myself to be present in that feeling, rather than quickly dismissing or suppressing it and dealing with it later while I lay in the bed replaying the actions of the day. Like, I accept right now that I'm overworked and even though I really need to make some jewelry, burn CD's for the youth choir and draft a letter to their parents, I'm going to bed.

Good night, good people.